John Deere LA 145 Riding Mower 48" Deck
Antiques & Collectibles
vintage green handled kitchen utensils, antique hog scraper, vintage kitchen, vintage baking tins & McCormick spice containers, wooden crates, vintage glass spice containers, advertising(Brandt's Hardware Campbelltown PA, DB Flory & Sons Lawn Pa, Land O' Lakes, & more), Oliver toy tractors, advertising tins, advertising pens, bullet pencils, cast iron molds & figures, butter churn with cows, vintage tools, vintage kitchen pots/pans, Coleman camp stove, collector hats, pewter Christmas ornaments, pocket knives, hunting knives, earthenware pottery coffee mugs, Bachmanville PA ephemera, vintage/antique books, woodworking books, large collection of corn husking hooks & pegs, glassware, vintage ash bucket, artwork, textiles(cross stitch, blankets, knotted quilts), glass milk bottles, costume jewelry, latch hook rug, antique dolls, paper dolls, doll clothes, pocket watches, vintage radios, jug crocks, long-handled tools, vintage sleds, wood duck decoy, glass marbles, Dickens Christmas village, vintage fishing lures, wood berry crates, antique lanterns, typewriters, vintage washboards, vintage cameras, Roseville pottery, crocks, 120 gallon propane tanks
Furniture & Appliances
green patio table/chairs/umbrella, early dove tail blanket chest, vintage gun cabinet, cast iron log rack, cedar chest, primitive dry ink, pre Civil War blanket chest, cedar blanket chest with brass bands, wooden treadle spinning wheel, depression era cedar blanket chest, antique cast iron wood school desk, wooden child's chair, black coffee table, wooden bookshelf, shaker straight chair with woven seat, Morris recliner easy chair, folk art painted chairs, Whirlpool electric dryer, Whirlpool washer
O.F. Mossberg & Sons Inc Chuckster Rifle, FIC Double Barrel Shotgun, Savage Arms Co Single Barrel 20G Shotgun, Double Barrel 12G Shotgun, Thompson Muzzleloader 50Cal, High Powered Pellet Gun, Savage Lever Action Rifle Model 99
Shipping(most items) & pickup available. Pickup days/times are Monday November 15th 10:00 to 4:00, Wednesday November 17th 10:00 to 6:00, and Friday November 19th 10:00 to 4:00. Pickup location is at 8 W Elizabeth St. Maytown PA 17550. If you are the winning bidder of lots #500-#505, please also call 717-286-8282 so we can have those items ready for you. They will be in a separate locked area at 8 W Elizabeth St. Maytown PA. The signup link is